
slam slam oh hot damn.

You know what I realized today? Over the past threeish months, I've lost my faith in the motto that had dictated my life since the beginning of freshman year. It's the namesake of this blog and comes from one of my favorite songs, it has helped me through rough times and laid out a path for me when I didn't know which direction to take. 

What's meant to be will always find a way. 

Of late, I think I've been overly focused on making the "right" decisions, or feeling the "right" way about something or someone. I've been forcing myself in a certain direction in hopes of obtaining a specific outcome from my current actions. In so doing, I've ignored (or..tried to ignore) my true thoughts and feelings about stuff. I don't like living this way.

I like putting my full faith in this optimistic mantra. We can't stress out about life. Everything that happens, has a reason. Every path we take, every choice we make, every interaction..starts a chain reaction (ha! that's a song too...) and leads us to the point we're supposed to reach. I know this is an extremely individualistic way to think about the world and is also rooted in a lot of privilege; it ignores institutional structures that shape our life experiences. But for once, I don't care. 

It's my life. And it's now or never, I ain't gonna live forever. I just wanna live while I'm alive. (another song..gosh, what's up brain??) 

What's meant to be. Will always find a way. I choose to believe in these words. When I stop believing in them, the world seems so dark and meaningless. When things get scary. When you don't know what to do. When you think you've made the wrong decision. When you love someone and don't know if they feel the same way. When you struggle with exams or have a bad week. Remember that tomorrow's just another day and all that you can do, is your best. What's meant to be...yeah, it'll find its way. 

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