

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that" ~Dr. King

Today's been an interesting day. My ideas about white privilege have been challenged and I'm not exactly sure how to handle everything. It's frustrating when you try to make change and address a very real problem only to face backlash from people you should be collaborating with.

The most frustrating thing about it is that they're right. It's so easy to ignore legitimate feelings and issues when they contrast with your sense of purpose. We see the world through our own lens, and an extremely narrow one at that.

Anger is such a powerful force.

I beleive that it can be a productive one. But it has to be channeled in the right way, or else it will always be destructive. Anger fuels hate. And the only way to combat both is through love. I think. I think Dr. King is right about love being able to drive out hate. I hope Dr. King is right.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I think that hate and love are equals in the world. Like they're opposite and they need each other to exist. I think we need hate so we can learn to appreciate love where it occurs. It's like what one of my friends tells me when I get sad. She always says that there has to be bad rotten things happening so we can appreciate the good times. Otherwise, we take things for granted. I also think that whereas there will always be love in the world, there will also always be hate. And I don't think hate stems from anger necessarily. You need more than just anger. It's not like everyone who has a short fuse has a lot of hate in their hearts. I get angry all the time and I can't think of anyone that I necessarily hate (maybe the tea party, but you know lol who doesn't?) I think that true hate comes from a negative obsession resulting from anger. Like you get angry and then you become obsessed with the thing that makes you angry. I could be wrong, but that's just want I think.
