
Love One Another

"We were given a world so beautiful

A deep ocean, a blue-blue sky
I know we can make it a better place 
If only you and I

Love one another
Sisters and brothers
Love one another

Love one another
Father and mother
Love one another"

Sometimes I forget that we only live once. I also forget that life is happening as I make plans for the future. Every single day is shaping who I am and every experience brings its own message. This week, I've really connected with the lessons that were brought to me and wanted to share. 

Be yourself. If any one has a problem with the person that you are, that's their problem, not yours. The first step in finding happiness and peace with the world is to truly love yourself for everything that you are and are not. I can't dance, but guess what, I sure had a fun time performing in a drag show last night. My dance moves may not have been awesome by other people's standards, but for me, they were fantastic. 

Society always tells us the "right" way to do things. Whether that be how to dance appropriately, how to present your gender, who you're allowed to love, what to say and what not to say...why do we take these demands so seriously?? We're socialized vertically and horizontally to comply with norms and rules to such a degree that we can't even be ourselves. My challenge to every one out there is to say "screw you society, here I AM...deal with it." 

Love and Acceptance-of yourself and others. that's it. We're brought up to think that people who are different are bad. But the only reason we're taught this is because people fear what they don't understand. That same fear blocks any motivation TO understand, and we get trapped in a cycle of prejudice and misunderstanding which lead to intolerance and hate. 

To combat this, LEARN. Be aware. Listen to people. Try to understand other people's life experiences. If you do, I guarantee that you'll find out how similar they are to you. 

We're all connected in the fact that we're living. We're in the world. We're struggling to find meaning. a purpose. love. a spiritual connection with something greater. We're all battling the hardships of life and celebrating the accomplishments. 

We really were given a beautiful world. Every individual person is beautiful. Open your heart and let in the beauty presented to you every day. 

Love One Another. Make the World a Better Place for Everyone With Your Love. We Can Do It Together.

~This woman's outfit says "Intolerance Kills. I want to Live." She's wearing it at the start of a gay pride parade in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil where a 19 year old boy would later be shot by men in military uniforms.~

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