
Few thoughts..

1. http://madisonstreetpulse.wordpress.com/2010/10/26/102510-madison-west-seniors-lgbt-campus-center-leaders/

I was on the radio..and it was delicious.

2. Hatred+Homophobia+Stupidity+Ignorance=you all need to GO AWAY!

Seriously. What is wrong with people? If someone identifies as a male, use male pronouns!

3. Why is it so hard to write papers sometimes?

4. I'm using this blog to procrastinate. That was not the intended purpose.

5. Ani DiFranco is fantastic. As are the Indigo Girls!..I was listening to my ipod this morning and heard Virginia Wolf by the Indigo Girls, it's such a beautiful song. They're my favorite band right now.
Stop the Silence! A campaign
I'm working on to address bullying
against LGBTQ individuals. 

ps. check out: http://lgbt.wisc.edu/stopthesilence/

1 comment:

  1. 1. So cool!
    2. Ditto
    3. Papers are painful. I've been trying to write my personal statement and it's just not working.
    4. Blogs always turn into a procrastination station... (But they're still fabulous!)
    5. Both of them are indeed lovely.
