
January First 2010

A new day, a new month, a new year and a new decade. Can you feel the excitement stemming from an abundance of goals, dreams, and challenges? I can. I recently logged into my yahoo email account and found my astrological predictions for 2010; here's what Aquarius has in store:

"Aquarius often gets pegged as being a little too cerebral for its own good. But the truth is, that's where you do your best work. The next year is going to give you the opportunity to use those sharp mental powers to focus on what it is you really want out of life. Two eclipses fall in your Twelfth House, which will bring out your intuitive side, and give you a chance to see your life from a less-strictly-logical (yet no less valid) perspective. The additional information they give you about your life and your position in it will be your big chance to put things in order.
Saturn is also going to be bringing big changes as to your philosophical approach to life. What fundamental approaches to life have worked for you, and what haven't? You may have never stopped to ask that question, or known the benefits of finding the right answer to it. This year, those answers will come, and your life is likely to be a saner, better-adjusted place for it.
Of course, it's impossible to have a well-ordered world around you without having a few other people in it. The middle part of the year will see close friends and partners coming and going in your life, more so than you've seen in a long time. In part, this will be a reflection of the changes going on in your "higher mind." And again, the overall effect should be a positive one. It's your worldview, Aquarius -- make it the best you can!"
Now, don't take me for one to put all my eggs into the basket of astrological forecasts~I find them interesting and believe that sometimes reading a horoscope will make us more aware of the things going on in our lives. For example, reading this prediction has made me look forward to doing some internal reflection throughout 2010 and finding my inner balance. If they say 2010 will be my year to "figure it out" then hey, why not? 
I feel like this year has a lot of promise. I'm not going to make superficial resolutions (i.e get in shape, eat healthier, read more) because I do that every year and really, how far has that ever come? Instead, my single resolution is to be me. Yup, that's it. Figure out what I want out of life, break the norms, don't be afraid to go against the grain when I think it right, and most of all, dance to the beat of my own little drummer. 
All of us should look at this new year as a chance to sweep out the closet, start fresh, and discover who we are. Be optimistic about life and think positively (it increases life span), meditate and think inwardly while exposing yourself to the wider world, break bad habits and set goals, live, laugh, and love. Don't be afraid to find your inner light and let it shine...the world will be a brighter place because of it. 

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