
For the love of food.

Healthy muffins. That's all I have to say. Today I went to the local grocery store for the single purpose of buying whole wheat flour. Fifty dollars and three packed bags later, I headed home to make pita bread and healthy muffins. I felt a little Martha Stewartish and it was basically amazing. I've never been the kind of girl who loves baking or cooking, however lately I have found it to be quite the fascinating past time. Yesterday I made a couscous dish and some avocado hummus (a little odd but still tasty), the couscous was the best thing ever. It was warm couscous mixed with apples, bananas, walnuts, almonds, and an olive oil-honey dressing...yum. Side note: the creators of olive oil=SMART people. 

My favorite new thing is definitely cranking up some tunes and making a healthy/delicious food. Also, grocery shopping. Is there anything more fun? Don't answer that. But seriously, all of my friends are going insane right now and being stupid over this ridiculous situation-I should be upset right? Probably, but after buying ingredients and making fun things today, I honestly could care less. It's like exercise in that it just makes you feel happy...I don't even mind the cleaning up anymore!  

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