

When I look back on the past few years of my life, I see myself as an ever-changing, curious, growing, independent, searching soul wandering down a long and winding road. I've been comfortable with the world as it is, happy with my life, and most of all, proud of the discoveries I've made that have heightened my sense of awareness and knowledge. Despite moments of incongruence and a few confusing directions, I look at my journey as one that has persistently and consistently taught me that everything happens for a reason.

I tell you this because I want to express how grateful I am for everything my life has brought so far. I cannot say that I have ever felt lacking in love, support, or encouragement--my family, my friends, my education, everything that has helped me grow into the person that I am--I appreciate them immensely.

The thing that strikes me most as I look back, particularly on the past two years, is how unwilling to be satisfied I was. Saying that, I cannot help but think about my privilege and I do acknowledge it as I write. When reading "unwilling to be satisfied" please do not mistake my words for "unsatisfied" because this word does not describe the feelings I intend to describe. I was merely searching for a missing piece--appreciating what I had but still recognizing that a corner piece of my puzzle had yet to be placed.

Two months ago, this integral piece of the puzzle found its place. I can now say with my whole heart that "the less I seek my source for some definitive, the closer I am to fine." Meaning, there is no one path to happiness and the more open you are to the possibilities, the closer you'll be to finding your truth.

I subscribe to the version of life where there are always one thousand correct answers to any given question. Each answer will point you in a different direction. Yet, regardless of which path you choose, what's meant to be will always find its way. I believe in this because there is no god but love--and if we listen to her, she'll show us the way.

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