
The Quest

I started this blog in August in hopes of spicing up my life and sharing new adventures that I planned to go on. Needless to say, that didn't work out so well. Between entering college and studying for classes, my daily routine was an adventure in itself but surely not one to write about unless my goal was to put people to sleep.

In the four months since classes began, I have discovered countless things about myself and the world. My quest (and this is a big one): discover the meaning of life. That's right, 'the meaning'. Sound impossible or cliche? Well it is. But I think I know how to do it.

I plan to analyze the things that could be "the meaning". Starting first with happiness. I am very happy, joyful even. What makes me happy?--->
1. Working out. I have completely and totally fallen in love with jogging. I have always enjoyed it and done it for physical health purposes, but now I do it because I LOVE it. It gives me time to let my mind wander and day dream while still doing something productive.
People always tell me that they hate running because it's boring. Next time you workout, crank up some powerful tunes and just think. Think about the things you like about yourself. Think about a secret crush you have. Think about the future. Anything that makes you feel good inside.
2. The Freakin' Farmer's Market. There is no place better than the Farmer's Market, seriously. Walking through crowds of health conscience people looking at beautiful produce that doesn't have crap loads of chemicals in it. It's a wonderful thing.
3. Music. If I am ever feeling stressed or detached from myself, I put on some music. Nothing better than Tracy Chapman or Natalie Merchant to help you collect your thoughts and find the natural balance of life.
4. Taking naps. Seriously. Naps are like god's way of giving you a hug in the middle of a hectic day. Okay, that might be a bit overstated. But have you ever been working hard and struggling to be productive and then lay down for an hour or so? If not, I highly suggest it. Your cells produce ATP and the fatigue that has grown in your brain throughout the day disappears. It's magical.
5. Healthy food. Fruit, fresh veggies, tea! Oh man, they just make me happy thinking about them. I think the world is so fast paced today, that we don't take time to eat FOOD. We toss down a hamburger or bag of chips on the run. Let me tell you, these "foods" don't contribute to overall happiness. I'll talk about this more later because it's a big topic.
6. Letting loose. My favorite thing to do is hear a great song and just start dancing. It's an amazing way to release tension and feel refreshed. And just for the record, I don't do this in public.
7. Adventures. Having you ever been walking around randomly and come across something beautiful? If you have, then you know why adventures make me happy.

I suppose all of these things could have their own post, which they probably will, but for now I'll leave it at that. Is happiness what life is all about? Obtaining a true sense of joy from everything you do? I'd like to think this is a big part of life, but I don't think we have the answer yet.

For now, I will leave you with this: "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." ~Albert Einstein

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