
Putting it together.

I really like the word "connections", all that it implies-a link or an association. I was just conversing with my intelligent-beyond-her-years neighbor and she gave me the idea for part two of my analysis. After writing earlier about individual happiness and how the answer to life's meaning is finding joy, I found what my neighbor-we'll call her Wise-had to say quite intriguing.

"It's not about you." Wise has traveled around the world and met people from an uncountable number of backgrounds; this is the most important thing she has learned through her experiences. What if that's the key? My life isn't about me, it's about the people I meet and the bonds I make. Every person we encounter is like a small piece making up a ginormous puzzle that will become our life once complete. Everyday, a little more of it is finished. You know how when you put together a puzzle, you start with the outer rim to get a foundation? Perhaps the most lasting and important relationships are this outer rim. Everyone else fits somewhere on the inside, every encounter making the puzzle a bit more complete.

It's an interesting idea isn't it? After all your connections have been made, you have a puzzle that's just you. All the individual faces of your friends, family, enemies, acquaintances, loves, co-workers, etc make up one big face that is you. Okay, that's a bit abstract...but do you see what I'm saying? It goes along nicely with the theory that everything happens for a reason; we are deliberately placed in circumstances that will help us finish our life puzzle and meet the "pieces". hmmm. something to think about.

Definitely a fan of this idea.

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