
Celebrate Youth

It has been brought to my attention by a dashing young lad that my last post was in defiance of a New Year's Resolution that I've made. My resolution is to be perfectly imperfect and let myself be open to the world; in other words-- be vulnerable, exploit the risk and expose myself...in metaphorical terms of course. After being told this, I realized that we can't hide behind walls. No matter how pretty and strong they might be, they prevent those connections from being made that help us build our puzzle. So as the title suggests, I am trying to shift my negative view of relationships into a more positive one; one in which they provide a way to celebrate youth and make a strong connection that will help us grow as individuals.

It's really late and I just got done with a death defying 7 hour car ride through a blizzard, to accommodate my terrible sense of humor and passionate love affair with 80's music while somewhat (not really...) working out my thoughts on the subject of life I have prepared the following paragraph...(are you ready for this?):

At certain moments, you have to break those chains that bind you and shout to the world "hit me with your best shot". We're not forever young and at one point you'll realize that the best of all your years have gone by. When that time comes, you'll feel like a beauty queen from a movie scene driving down the highway to hell with two tickets to paradise by the dashboard light (umm...what?). We get caught up in the heat of the moment and then find out in the end that it's always the same old song and dance. You'll ask yourself "what kind of fool am I?" and just want to go your own way. But before that happens, you'll know that although every rose has its thorn, you've been lovin' every minute of it and it's just been some sweet emotion. When you have somebody to love it doesn't make a difference if you make it or not because you've got each other and that's a lot. So remember: don't stop believin', live life with open arms, and don't forget to kick off your Sunday shoes every now and then.

I'm sorry. If you can cut through the lameness, I really was trying to highlight a mildly related point. Time flies and if we don't stop to smell the coffee, well then we'll just find ourselves old and constantly missing the good old days. Take risks now and worry about the consequences later.

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